Marcos Cividanes
1 follower
Ranking (Last Month's Profit)
All sports Ranking
14th of 8617Longest winning Streak
15 PicksMLS
- N/A of 141Premier League
- N/A of 85Ligue 1
- N/A of 22Bundesliga
- N/A of 19Serie A
- N/A of 40La Liga
- N/A of 40UEFA Champions League
- N/A of 30NFL
- 5th of 1101CFL
- N/A of 18MLB
- N/A of 1887NCAAF
- 6th of 574NHL
- 3rd of 681NBA
- 14th of 2736WNBA
- N/A of 137NCAAB
- 12th of 812FIFA World Cup
- N/A of 18Tennis
- N/A of 122E Sports
- N/A of 8Stats
Profit (Units)
0u Invested
Avg. pick odds
0% ROI
0% Strike Rate
-- Record
Profit/Loss (units)